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Sign a document

Add your own signature to any legal document.

pocket scan logo

>  Sign a document

>  Help center
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1. Click on the document you want to edit from the main screen of the app.
2. Click on the first page of your document.
3. Click on the “Sign” function on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

4. Click on “New” to create a new signature.
5. Choose the color and the thickness of your choice and write your signature on the black frame, then click on “Save” to see the signature on your document.

6. Place the signature on your document, (zoom in/out the signature with one finger and zoom in/out the document with two fingers) then click on the blue check button to place it.

7. Repeat the action many times you need on the document. You can also delete the placed signatures.
8. Click on the “Save” button at the top right corner of the screen before editing a new page.

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1. Click on the document you want to edit from the main screen of the app.
2. Click on the first page of your document.
3. Click on the “Sign” function on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

>  Sign a document

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4. Click on “New” to create a new signature.
5. Choose the color and the thickness of your choice and write your signature on the black frame, then click on “Save” to see the signature on your document.

6. Place the signature on your document, (zoom in/out the signature with one finger and zoom in/out the document with two fingers) then click on the blue check button to place it.

7. Repeat the action many times you need on the document. You can also delete the placed signatures.
8. Click on the “Save” button at the top right corner of the screen before editing a new page.

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proscan white

Sign a document

Add your own signature to any legal document.

pocket scan logo
>  Help center

1. Click on the document you want to edit from the main screen of the app.
2. Click on the first page of your document.
3. Click on the “Sign” function on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

>  Sign a document

>  Help center
unnamed (4)

4. Click on “New” to create a new signature.
5. Choose the color and the thickness of your choice and write your signature on the black frame, then click on “Save” to see the signature on your document.

6. Place the signature on your document, (zoom in/out the signature with one finger and zoom in/out the document with two fingers) then click on the blue check button to place it.

7. Repeat the action many times you need on the document. You can also delete the placed signatures.
8. Click on the “Save” button at the top right corner of the screen before editing a new page.

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proscan white

Sign a document

Add your own signature to any legal document.

pocket scan logo